• Edizioni di altri A.A.:
  • 2021/2022
  • 2022/2023

  • Lingua Insegnamento:
  • Testi di riferimento:
    Layard, Lesson from a new science: Happiness Economics 
  • Obiettivi formativi:
    At the end of this course, students are expected to:
    - describe and explain the historical perspective of economists on well-being and welfare;
    - explain, defend, and critique the subjective well-being literature, specifically taking into account the effects of income and employment on individuals’ perceived well-being;
    - compare and contrast proposed measurement tools for well-being, including the methodological views that underlie these instruments. 
  • Metodi didattici:
    lectures and presentations 
  • Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento:
    the written and oral exam 
  • Sostenibilità:

l'economia della felicità
il paradosso di Easterlin
le determinanti del benessere
capitale sociale
beni relazionali

- The historical evolution of happiness economics;
- The Easterlin paradox;
- the subjective and objective wellbeing;
- money and happiness;
- Happiness or gap?;
- the determinants of wellbeing;
- Social capital and relation goods


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